Base Configuration

Configuration keys

Use to configure the following parameters. By default it will use SQLLITE DB, and bootstrap’s default theme:


My favorite way, and the one I advise if you are building a medium to large size application is to place all your configuration keys on a file

Next you only have to import them to the Flask app object, like this

app = Flask(__name__)

Take a look at the skeleton

Using JMESPath to map user registration role

If user self registration is enabled and AUTH_USER_REGISTRATION_ROLE_JMESPATH is set, it is used as a JMESPath expression to evalate user registration role. The input values is userinfo dict, returned by get_oauth_user_info function of Security Manager. Usage of JMESPath expressions requires jmespath package to be installed.

In case of Google OAuth, userinfo contains user’s email that can be used to map some users as admins and rest of the domain users as read only users. For example, this expression: contains(['', ''], email) && 'Admin' || 'Viewer' causes users 1 and 2 to be registered with role Admin and rest with the role Viewer.

JMESPath expression allow more groups to be evaluated: email == '' && 'Admin' || (email == '' && 'Op' || 'Viewer')

For more example, see specification.