Source code for flask_appbuilder.charts.views

import logging

from flask_babel import lazy_gettext

from .jsontools import dict_to_json
from .widgets import ChartWidget, DirectChartWidget
from ..baseviews import BaseModelView, expose
from import DirectProcessData, GroupByProcessData
from import has_access
from ..urltools import get_filter_args
from ..widgets import SearchWidget

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseChartView(BaseModelView): """ This is the base class for all chart views. Use DirectByChartView or GroupByChartView, override their properties and their base classes (BaseView, BaseModelView, BaseChartView) to customise your charts """ chart_template = "appbuilder/general/charts/chart.html" """ The chart template, override to implement your own """ chart_widget = ChartWidget """ Chart widget override to implement your own """ search_widget = SearchWidget """ Search widget override to implement your own """ chart_title = "Chart" """ A title to be displayed on the chart """ title = "Title" group_by_label = lazy_gettext("Group by") """ The label that is displayed for the chart selection """ default_view = "chart" chart_type = "PieChart" """ The chart type PieChart, ColumnChart, LineChart """ chart_3d = "true" """ Will display in 3D? """ width = 400 """ The width """ height = "400px" group_bys = {} """ New for 0.6.4, on test, don't use yet """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._init_titles() super(BaseChartView, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _init_titles(self): self.title = self.chart_title def _get_chart_widget(self, filters=None, widgets=None, **args): raise NotImplementedError def _get_view_widget(self, **kwargs): """ :return: Returns a widget """ return self._get_chart_widget(**kwargs).get("chart")
[docs]class GroupByChartView(BaseChartView): definitions = [] """ These charts can display multiple series, based on columns or methods defined on models. You can display multiple charts on the same view. This data can be grouped and aggregated has you like. :label: (optional) String label to display on chart selection. :group: String with the column name or method from model. :formatter: (optional) function that formats the output of 'group' key :series: A list of tuples with the aggregation function and the column name to apply the aggregation :: [{ 'label': 'String', 'group': '<COLNAME>'|'<FUNCNAME>' 'formatter: <FUNC> 'series': [(<AGGR FUNC>, <COLNAME>|'<FUNCNAME>'),...] } ] example:: class CountryGroupByChartView(GroupByChartView): datamodel = SQLAInterface(CountryStats) chart_title = 'Statistics' definitions = [ { 'label': 'Country Stat', 'group': 'country', 'series': [(aggregate_avg, 'unemployed_perc'), (aggregate_avg, 'population'), (aggregate_avg, 'college_perc') ] } ] """ chart_type = "ColumnChart" chart_template = "appbuilder/general/charts/jsonchart.html" chart_widget = DirectChartWidget ProcessClass = GroupByProcessData def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GroupByChartView, self).__init__(**kwargs) for definition in self.definitions: col = definition.get("group") # Setup labels try: self.label_columns[col] = ( definition.get("label") or self.label_columns[col] ) except Exception: self.label_columns[col] = self._prettify_column(col) if not definition.get("label"): definition["label"] = self.label_columns[col] # Setup Series for serie in definition["series"]: if isinstance(serie, tuple): if hasattr(serie[0], "_label"): key = serie[0].__name__ + serie[1] self.label_columns[key] = ( serie[0]._label + " " + self._prettify_column(serie[1]) ) else: self.label_columns[serie] = self._prettify_column(serie)
[docs] def get_group_by_class(self, definition): """ intantiates the processing class (Direct or Grouped) and returns it. """ group_by = definition["group"] series = definition["series"] if "formatter" in definition: formatter = {group_by: definition["formatter"]} else: formatter = {} return self.ProcessClass([group_by], series, formatter)
def _get_chart_widget( self, filters=None, order_column="", order_direction="", widgets=None, direct=None, height=None, definition="", **args ): height = height or self.height widgets = widgets or dict() joined_filters = filters.get_joined_filters(self._base_filters) # check if order_column may be database ordered if not self.datamodel.get_order_columns_list([order_column]): order_column = "" order_direction = "" count, lst = self.datamodel.query( filters=joined_filters, order_column=order_column, order_direction=order_direction, ) if not definition: definition = self.definitions[0] group = self.get_group_by_class(definition) value_columns = group.to_json( group.apply(lst, sort=order_column == ""), self.label_columns ) widgets["chart"] = self.chart_widget( route_base=self.route_base, chart_title=self.chart_title, chart_type=self.chart_type, chart_3d=self.chart_3d, height=height, value_columns=value_columns, modelview_name=self.__class__.__name__, **args ) return widgets @expose("/chart/<group_by>") @expose("/chart/") @has_access def chart(self, group_by=0): group_by = int(group_by) form = self.search_form.refresh() get_filter_args(self._filters) widgets = self._get_chart_widget( filters=self._filters, definition=self.definitions[group_by], order_column=self.definitions[group_by]["group"], order_direction="asc", ) widgets = self._get_search_widget(form=form, widgets=widgets) self.update_redirect() return self.render_template( self.chart_template, route_base=self.route_base, title=self.chart_title, label_columns=self.label_columns, definitions=self.definitions, group_by_label=self.group_by_label, height=self.height, widgets=widgets, appbuilder=self.appbuilder, )
[docs]class DirectByChartView(GroupByChartView): """ Use this class to display charts with multiple series, based on columns or methods defined on models. You can display multiple charts on the same view. Default routing point is '/chart' Setup definitions property to configure the chart :label: (optional) String label to display on chart selection. :group: String with the column name or method from model. :formatter: (optional) function that formats the output of 'group' key :series: A list of tuples with the aggregation function and the column name to apply the aggregation The **definitions** property respects the following grammar:: definitions = [ { 'label': 'label for chart definition', 'group': '<COLNAME>'|'<MODEL FUNCNAME>', 'formatter': <FUNC FORMATTER FOR GROUP COL>, 'series': ['<COLNAME>'|'<MODEL FUNCNAME>',...] }, ... ] example:: class CountryDirectChartView(DirectByChartView): datamodel = SQLAInterface(CountryStats) chart_title = 'Direct Data Example' definitions = [ { 'label': 'Unemployment', 'group': 'stat_date', 'series': ['unemployed_perc', 'college_perc'] } ] """ ProcessClass = DirectProcessData
# ------------------------------------------------------- # DEPRECATED SECTION # ------------------------------------------------------- class BaseSimpleGroupByChartView(BaseChartView): # pragma: no cover group_by_columns = [] """ A list of columns to be possibly grouped by, this list must be filled """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not self.group_by_columns: raise Exception( "Base Chart View property <group_by_columns> must not be empty" ) else: super(BaseSimpleGroupByChartView, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _get_chart_widget( self, filters=None, order_column="", order_direction="", widgets=None, group_by=None, height=None, **args ): height = height or self.height widgets = widgets or dict() group_by = group_by or self.group_by_columns[0] joined_filters = filters.get_joined_filters(self._base_filters) value_columns = self.datamodel.query_simple_group( group_by, filters=joined_filters ) widgets["chart"] = self.chart_widget( route_base=self.route_base, chart_title=self.chart_title, chart_type=self.chart_type, chart_3d=self.chart_3d, height=height, value_columns=value_columns, modelview_name=self.__class__.__name__, **args ) return widgets class BaseSimpleDirectChartView(BaseChartView): # pragma: no cover direct_columns = [] """ Make chart using the column on the dict chart_columns = {'chart label 1':('X column','Y1 Column','Y2 Column, ...), 'chart label 2': ('X Column','Y1 Column',...),...} """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not self.direct_columns: raise Exception( "Base Chart View property <direct_columns> must not be empty" ) else: super(BaseSimpleDirectChartView, self).__init__(**kwargs) def get_group_by_columns(self): """ returns the keys from direct_columns Used in template, so that user can choose from options """ return list(self.direct_columns.keys()) def _get_chart_widget( self, filters=None, order_column="", order_direction="", widgets=None, direct=None, height=None, **args ): height = height or self.height widgets = widgets or dict() joined_filters = filters.get_joined_filters(self._base_filters) count, lst = self.datamodel.query( filters=joined_filters, order_column=order_column, order_direction=order_direction, ) value_columns = self.datamodel.get_values(lst, list(direct)) value_columns = dict_to_json( direct[0], direct[1:], self.label_columns, value_columns ) widgets["chart"] = self.chart_widget( route_base=self.route_base, chart_title=self.chart_title, chart_type=self.chart_type, chart_3d=self.chart_3d, height=height, value_columns=value_columns, modelview_name=self.__class__.__name__, **args ) return widgets
[docs]class ChartView(BaseSimpleGroupByChartView): # pragma: no cover """ **DEPRECATED** Provides a simple (and hopefully nice) way to draw charts on your application. This will show Google Charts based on group by of your tables. """ @expose("/chart/<group_by>") @expose("/chart/") @has_access def chart(self, group_by=""): form = self.search_form.refresh() get_filter_args(self._filters) group_by = group_by or self.group_by_columns[0] widgets = self._get_chart_widget(filters=self._filters, group_by=group_by) widgets = self._get_search_widget(form=form, widgets=widgets) return self.render_template( self.chart_template, route_base=self.route_base, title=self.chart_title, label_columns=self.label_columns, group_by_columns=self.group_by_columns, group_by_label=self.group_by_label, height=self.height, widgets=widgets, appbuilder=self.appbuilder, )
[docs]class TimeChartView(BaseSimpleGroupByChartView): # pragma: no cover """ **DEPRECATED** Provides a simple way to draw some time charts on your application. This will show Google Charts based on count and group by month and year for your tables. """ chart_template = "appbuilder/general/charts/chart_time.html" chart_type = "ColumnChart" def _get_chart_widget( self, filters=None, order_column="", order_direction="", widgets=None, group_by=None, period=None, height=None, **args ): height = height or self.height widgets = widgets or dict() group_by = group_by or self.group_by_columns[0] joined_filters = filters.get_joined_filters(self._base_filters) if period == "month" or not period: value_columns = self.datamodel.query_month_group( group_by, filters=joined_filters ) elif period == "year": value_columns = self.datamodel.query_year_group( group_by, filters=joined_filters ) widgets["chart"] = self.chart_widget( route_base=self.route_base, chart_title=self.chart_title, chart_type=self.chart_type, chart_3d=self.chart_3d, height=height, value_columns=value_columns, modelview_name=self.__class__.__name__, **args ) return widgets @expose("/chart/<group_by>/<period>") @expose("/chart/") @has_access def chart(self, group_by="", period=""): form = self.search_form.refresh() get_filter_args(self._filters) group_by = group_by or self.group_by_columns[0] widgets = self._get_chart_widget( filters=self._filters, group_by=group_by, period=period, height=self.height ) widgets = self._get_search_widget(form=form, widgets=widgets) return self.render_template( self.chart_template, route_base=self.route_base, title=self.chart_title, label_columns=self.label_columns, group_by_columns=self.group_by_columns, group_by_label=self.group_by_label, widgets=widgets, appbuilder=self.appbuilder, )
[docs]class DirectChartView(BaseSimpleDirectChartView): # pragma: no cover """ **DEPRECATED** This class is responsible for displaying a Google chart with direct model values. Chart widget uses json. No group by is processed, example:: class StatsChartView(DirectChartView): datamodel = SQLAInterface(Stats) chart_title = lazy_gettext('Statistics') direct_columns = {'Some Stats': ('X_col_1', 'stat_col_1', 'stat_col_2'), 'Other Stats': ('X_col2', 'stat_col_3')} """ chart_type = "ColumnChart" chart_widget = DirectChartWidget @expose("/chart/<group_by>") @expose("/chart/") @has_access def chart(self, group_by=""): form = self.search_form.refresh() get_filter_args(self._filters) direct_key = group_by or list(self.direct_columns.keys())[0] direct = self.direct_columns.get(direct_key) if self.base_order: order_column, order_direction = self.base_order else: order_column, order_direction = "", "" widgets = self._get_chart_widget( filters=self._filters, order_column=order_column, order_direction=order_direction, direct=direct, ) widgets = self._get_search_widget(form=form, widgets=widgets) return self.render_template( self.chart_template, route_base=self.route_base, title=self.chart_title, label_columns=self.label_columns, group_by_columns=self.get_group_by_columns(), group_by_label=self.group_by_label, height=self.height, widgets=widgets, appbuilder=self.appbuilder, )